Monday, 24 August 2020 13:53
The Conneaut Valley Lions club is continuing the tradition of a Community Calendar for 2021. Pre-paid calendars cost $5. New for 2021 is a larger 18"x24" size. Also new is the availability of both a Wall and a Desk Calendar.
100% of the proceeds support local, regional, and international causes with no administrative overhead.
With COVID-19 restrictions, purchasing a calendar is a great way to support the Conneaut Valley Lions. Adding dates to the Calendar is not available this year.
Pre-Order by November, Calendars Arriving December 2020.
Last Updated ( Sunday, 04 October 2020 11:23 )
Tuesday, 02 June 2020 00:00

On Saturday, September 12, 2020 the Conneaut Valley Lions Club and the Conneaut Lake Lions Club will be sponsoring a wellness program at the Conneaut Lake Fire Department. AMBA Blood Screening will be offered for the $41 AMBA Blood Screening fee plus a $5 donation at the door to the Lions. Several optional tests are available for an additional fee with a separate script from a Physician.
This is a unique opportunity to have your blood checked for a very low fee. Even if you have insurance, the cost of this screening is much lower than most deductibles. If you don't have insurance, these tests would normally cost much more.
Appointments are made directly with AMBA by calling 1-800-234-8888. These appointments will be scheduled between 6:30 AM and 10:30 AM on September 12. Please have your Physician's name and address available when you call for your appointment. If you have additional questions, you can contact Dean Smock with the Conneaut Valley Lions Club at 587-2153 or Jerry Waldron with the Conneaut Lake Lions Club at 382-3519.
The AMBA Blood Screening includes the following tests:
Last Updated ( Saturday, 29 August 2020 12:44 )
Saturday, 24 August 2019 13:53
The Conneaut Valley Lions club is continuing the tradition of a Community Calendar for 2019.
Pre-paid calendars cost $5 and include 1-free date to use toward listing a Birthday, Anniversary, Meeting, or Memorial event date. Additional dates are $2 or 12-dates for $20. Dates are a great way to let the entire community celebrate your event, for less than the cost of a Hallmark card.
Advertising space is limited. The deadline for advertisers and calendar dates is November 1, 2019. Calendars will be arriving for distribution near December 1, 2018.
 2019 Community Calendar PROOF PDF
Last Updated ( Monday, 28 October 2019 20:57 )
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 00:00
The Conneaut Valley Lions Club is offering one $500 scholarship to a graduating high school student in the Conneaut Valley area. The deadline to receive applications is May 16, 2019 See the guidance councilor or download the application below.
2019 Scholarship Application PDF [119KB]
Last Updated ( Friday, 12 April 2019 12:52 )
Tuesday, 15 January 2019 00:00
The Conneaut Valley Lions Club will hold their 31st Annual Valentine's Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 17, 2019 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The Spaghetti Dinner will be held at the Saint Peter Social Hall at 501 Washington Street in Conneautville. Adults are $8.00, Seniors and Children Under 12 are $6.00, and Children Under 6 are Free. The proceeds of this fundraiser benefit Conneaut Valley Lions Club Sight Projects.
Boy Scout Troop 210 will also be helping the Lions. They will have baked goods available for sale.
PDF Poster [170K]
Last Updated ( Sunday, 10 February 2019 18:48 )
Saturday, 02 June 2018 00:00

On Saturday, September 15, 2018 the Conneaut Valley Lions Club and the Conneaut Lake Lions Club will be sponsoring a wellness program at the Conneaut Lake Fire Department. AMBA Blood Screening will be offered for the $40 AMBA Blood Screening fee plus a $5 donation at the door to the Lions. Several optional tests are available for an additional fee with a separate script from a Physician.
This is a unique opportunity to have your blood checked for a very low fee. Even if you have insurance, the cost of this screening is much lower than most deductibles. If you don't have insurance, these tests would normally cost much more.
Appointments are made directly with AMBA by calling 1-800-234-8888. These appointments will be scheduled between 6:30 AM and 10:30 AM on September 15. Please have your Physician's name and address available when you call for your appointment. If you have additional questions, you can contact Dean Smock with the Conneaut Valley Lions Club at 587-2153 or Jerry Waldron with the Conneaut Lake Lions Club at 382-3519.
The AMBA Blood Screening includes the following tests:
Last Updated ( Friday, 20 July 2018 16:24 )
Tuesday, 13 March 2018 00:00
The Conneaut Valley Lions Club is offering one $500 scholarship to a graduating high school student in the Conneaut Valley area. The deadline to receive applications is May 17, 2018 See the guidance councilor or download the application below.
2018 Scholarship Application PDF [119KB]
Last Updated ( Thursday, 19 April 2018 20:00 )
Monday, 15 January 2018 00:00
The Conneaut Valley Lions Club will hold their 30th Annual Valentine's Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 18, 2018 from 11:30 AM to 4:00 PM. The Spaghetti Dinner will be held at the Saint Peter Social Hall at 501 Washington Street in Conneautville. Adults are $8.00, Seniors and Children Under 12 are $6.00, and Children Under 6 are Free. The proceeds of this fundraiser benefit Conneaut Valley Lions Club Sight Projects.
PDF Poster [170K]
Last Updated ( Thursday, 18 January 2018 17:48 )
Friday, 02 June 2017 00:00

On Saturday, September 16, 2017 the Conneaut Valley Lions Club and the Conneaut Lake Lions Club will be sponsoring a wellness program at the Conneaut Lake Fire Department. AMBA Blood Screening will be offered for the $40 AMBA Blood Screening fee plus a $5 donation at the door to the Lions. Several optional tests are available for an additional fee with a separate script from a Physician.
This is a unique opportunity to have your blood checked for a very low fee. Even if you have insurance, the cost of this screening is much lower than most deductibles. If you don't have insurance, these tests would normally cost much more.
Appointments are made directly with AMBA by calling 1-800-234-8888. These appointments will be scheduled between 6:30 AM and 10:30 AM on September 16. Please have your Physician's name and address available when you call for your appointment. If you have additional questions, you can contact Dean Smock with the Conneaut Valley Lions Club at 587-2153 or Jerry Waldron with the Conneaut Lake Lions Club at 382-3519.
The AMBA Blood Screening includes the following tests:
Last Updated ( Friday, 08 September 2017 01:26 )
Thursday, 01 June 2017 00:00
Congratulations to Kaytee Betts and Connor Mattera for receiving the Conneaut Valley Lions scholarships for 2017.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 15 June 2017 19:35 )