Friday, 24 August 2018 13:53
The Conneaut Valley Lions club is continuing the tradition of a Community Calendar for 2019.
Pre-paid calendars cost $5 and include 1-free date to use toward listing a Birthday, Anniversary, Meeting, or Memorial event date. Additional dates are $2 or 12-dates for $20. Dates are a great way to let the entire community celebrate your event, for less than the cost of a Hallmark card.
Advertising space is limited. The deadline for advertisers and calendar dates is November 1, 2018. Calendars will be arriving for distribution near December 1, 2018.
 2018 Community Calendar PROOF PDF
Last Updated ( Monday, 03 September 2018 17:25 )
Thursday, 24 August 2017 13:53
The Conneaut Valley Lions club is continuing the tradition of a Community Calendar for 2018.
Pre-paid calendars cost $5 and include 1-free date to use toward listing a Birthday, Anniversary, Meeting, or Memorial event date. Additional dates are $2 or 12-dates for $20. Dates are a great way to let the entire community celebrate your event, for less than the cost of a Hallmark card.
Advertising space is limited. The deadline for advertisers and calendar dates is November 1, 2017. Calendars will be arriving for distribution near December 1, 2017.
 2017 Community Calendar PROOF PDF [4.5MB]
Last Updated ( Sunday, 01 October 2017 20:56 )
Sunday, 24 August 2014 13:53
The Conneaut Valley Lions club is continuing the tradition of a Community Calendar for 2015. The theme for this calendar will be Volunteers. This should be a very special calendar, when you consider how important volunteer organizations are to the Conneaut Valley. If you are involved in a volunteer organization and would like to be considered for the 2015 Community Calendar, please contact Donald Wheaton with an interesting, high-resolution photo that could be used for one of the months of the calendar.
Pre-paid calendars cost $10 and include 1-free date to use toward listing a Birthday, Anniversary, Meeting, or Memorial event date. Additional dates are $2 or 12-dates for $20. Dates are a great way to let the entire community celebrate your event, for less than the cost of a Hallmark card.
Advertising space is limited. The deadline for advertisers and calendar dates is November 1, 2014. Calendars will be arriving for distribution near December 1, 2014.
 2014 Community Calendar PROOF PDF [3.1MB]
Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 August 2014 10:50 )
Wednesday, 24 August 2016 13:53
The Conneaut Valley Lions club is continuing the tradition of a Community Calendar for 2017.
Pre-paid calendars cost $5 and include 1-free date to use toward listing a Birthday, Anniversary, Meeting, or Memorial event date. Additional dates are $2 or 12-dates for $20. Dates are a great way to let the entire community celebrate your event, for less than the cost of a Hallmark card.
Advertising space is limited. The deadline for advertisers and calendar dates is November 1, 2016. Calendars will be arriving for distribution near December 1, 2016.
 2016 Community Calendar PROOF PDF [3.4MB]
Last Updated ( Thursday, 29 September 2016 19:54 )
Monday, 02 December 2013 17:44
Here are the photos featured on the Lions 2014 Community Calendar.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 August 2014 13:10 )
Saturday, 24 August 2013 13:53
Here is a proof of the 2014 Community Calendar:
2014 Community Calendar PROOF PDF [3.1MB]
The Conneaut Valley Lions club is continuing the tradition of a Community Calendar for 2014. The theme for this calendar will be Then and Now. Pre-paid calendars cost $10 and include 1-free line to use toward listing a Birthday, Anniversary, Meeting, or Memorial event date.
Advertisers have sponsored the calendar. The deadline for advertisers and event dates is November 1, 2013. Calendars will be arriving for distribution December 1, 2013.
 Community Calendar from 2012
To order your 2014 Community Calendar, print and complete the following order form:
 2014 Community Calendar Order Form PDF [107KB]
To add events to the 2014 Community Calendar, print and complete the following form(s) to include with your order form:
 2014 Community Calendar Event Form PDF [108KB]
2014 Community Calendar Additional Events Form PDF [99KB]
2014 Community Calendar Double Sided Events Form PDF [123KB]
Read more to view and proof the events for the 2014 Community Calendar here:
Last Updated ( Monday, 11 November 2013 22:18 )
Monday, 24 June 2013 14:35
You can list events on the 2014 Community Calendar. The type of event determines how many lines we estimate the event will require. Rather than counting characters, our line estimate determines the price for the event. Some events may require more or fewer lines than our estimate, but the pricing remains the same.
Birthdays: 1-Line Anniversay: 2-Lines Meetings: 3-Lines Memorials: 2-Lines
Sponsors will get 1-free line for every $10 of advertising they purchase. Pre-paid calendars include 1-free line.
Additional lines are available:
1-Line for $2 10-Lines for $10 36-Lines for $20
Let's look at some examples.
- If someone purchases two calendars, they would get 2-lines for free and they could list 2-birthdays, 1-anniversary, or 1-memorial.
- If someone purchases one calendar, they would get 1-line for free. If they wanted to list 5-birthdays and 1-anniversary, they would need a total of 7-lines. They should purchase 10 additional lines for $10.
- If a church wanted to list four dinners they plan to hold during 2014, they would need 12-lines. The cost of their event dates would be $14: 10-lines for $10 and 2-lines for $4.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 27 June 2013 16:40 )